Program Requirements and Admissions
Program Requirements
- Computer device or laptop (each student is issued one from their school of residence)
- Internet access
- Parent/Student request
- Approved referral from a MPUSD school of residence counselor/administrar
- Attend all virtual or in-person scheduled sessions weekly
- Assignments completed and submitted by due dates
- Ability to work independently
- Parent/guardian support
- Grades and attendance must remain in good standings while enrolled in the program
- Students with IEPs require an approved placement change with support services team
- ELPAC score of 3 or higher to be eligible for program
- High school GPA 2.0 or higher
- High school student should be on track to meet graduation requirements
Request Program
- Contact MPUSD school of residence to request program change into the Independent Study/Digital Academy program
- Meet with the counselor or administrator to discuss possible placement change request
- If student has an IEP, a placement change meeting must occur with the student support team before a request for Independent Study can be made. Contact student's case carrier for this request.
- Referral signed by parent, student, counselor and administrator
- Completed referrals are submitted to the Independent Study office for processing
- Independent Study office staff contacts family to complete enrollment into the program
Contact Us

MPUSD Educational Options Campus
200 Coe Ave.
Seaside, CA 93955
Phone: (831) 392-3511